01926 332 122 fskleam@welearn365.com

We hope you find the contents interesting and helpful and please remember, if you ever wish to
discuss anything with a member of staff, don’t hesitate to let us know.

Tax-Free Childcare!

We can’t express how happy we are that this has now been sorted – only taken 11 months! First Steps now appear on the list of Providers and we have started to receive payments under the system.

We should like to extend our gratitude and thanks to Mr Axcell for hounding HMRC on our behalf, and Mr & Mrs Evans for the continual, monthly checks to attempt at getting payments through! All appears to have ended well.

Autumn’s on its Way!

We are all too aware that the misty mornings are arriving and summer is on its way out. As you all know, we endeavour to get children out into the garden as much as possible and only really inclement weather stops us.

Could parents please, therefore, liaise with room staff regarding wellies that may have been outgrown and, obviously, ensure any replacements are labelled – please also check that all items of clothing, etc. are labelled accordingly.

30 Hours Funding

The admin for this has been another thorn in the side for many nurseries as goalposts kept changing. As the Local Authority Provider Agreement has literally only been made available to us over the last month, we had to plan our offerings for this funding blindfold. It has taken an inordinate amount of time, effort and paperwork trying to calculate the new fees and
communication with parents but, hopefully, we have just about got there!

Having now had the opportunity to digest the Provider Agreement, it is pleasing to know that our “guesswork” complies with said Agreement and we can finally put this to bed for another term. We should like to thank parents for their patience during this time. Just to remind those parents affected, as we understand it at the moment, you will need to “sign-up” for eligibility each term.

Autumn, Harvest and Halloween

Miss O’Hanlon decided that calling our little ones the “Under 2 Unit” did not sound very appealing. We have, therefore, re-named this section of the Nursery as “Tinies”!


This period we shall be:

  • Fruit and vegetable printing
  • Tasting vegetable soup
  • Tasting fruit smoothies
  • Looking at “Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow” and making our own scarecrows
  • Singing and dancing to the “Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow” song

Tweenies’ Room:

  • Tweenies will be reading “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and “Don’t Wake the Baby”
  • Singing autumnal songs
  • Tweenies will be going on a Bear Hunt and a Leaf Hunt
  • Will be making bears and “bear toast”!

Early Years:

  • Reading “The Enormous Turnip” and “Owl Babies”
  • Talking about whether fruit and vegetables grow above ground, underground or in a tree
  • Learning about nocturnal and diurnal animals
  • Early Years will be washing fruit and vegetables as well as using them to print pictures.